

這是我在今天寫給朋友的一個email. 近年來隨著帆船造型的所謂七星級旅館不斷在網路上流傳, 似乎對阿拉伯的世界又開啟一道窗, 姑且不論它是否僅是狹隘的, 屬於極少眾的. 你對阿拉伯又有多少認識 ?? 2011年之前, 下圖的這個古根漢博物館即將在阿拉伯的沙地上蓋起來, 而掌舵者不是別人, 正是已完成畢爾包古根漢博物(西班牙)的Frank Gehry..
台灣呢 ?? 願景在哪 ?? 藍綠紛爭導致政府總預算至今沒過, 無恥政客無一不在肖想2008, 又如何 ??
You should take a look at this article, or at least, the photo attached.
I'm not sure if you are able to open the article smoothly, perhaps you will be asked to login in the New York Times. I was surprised on reading this article, for it was the headline news on last Thursday. Normally, the headline news of NY Times is either news about disaster or sports.
The title of the article is " A Vision in the Desert". Briefly speaking, the United Arab Emirates intended to build an Adu Dhabi branch of the Guggenheim Museum (古根漢).  The Guggenheim Foundation had commissioned American architect Frank Gehry to handled this huge project. It is planned to be at 323,000 square feet, larger than any of the existing Guggenheim museums. And it is expected to be completed by 2011.
Who  is Frank Gehry? Just use the key phrase, Frank Gehry, into any searching engine. The following is an example
Celebrity Architects Reveal a Daring Cultural Xanadu for the Arab World
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 31 — In this land of big ambition and deep pockets, planners on Wednesday unveiled designs for an audacious multibillion-dollar cultural district whose like has never been seen in the Arab world.
Abu Dhabi branch of Guggenheim museum, designed by Frank Gehry
Zaha Hadid's design for a performing art center for an island in Abu Dhabi
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