目前分類:綠行動 (5)
- Aug 27 Mon 2007 12:30
速可達(scooters)可以解決紐約市區的交通壅塞問題嗎 ??
- Jan 23 Tue 2007 12:07
- Jan 11 Thu 2007 14:42
EU plans "industrial revolution"
The European Commission has urged its members to sign up to an unprecedented common energy policy, unveiling a plan to diversify the bloc's energy sources.
Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso said it was time for a "post-industrial revolution" which would see Europe slash greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020.
- Jan 10 Wed 2007 15:44
Living in a carbon neutral home
As a minister meets the building industry to discuss ways to make new housing more energy efficient, artist Clare Bull explains what it is like to live in the country's first environmental showhome.
It contains hundreds of environmentally-friendly features including a solar thermal system which provides 50% of the energy needed for water heating.
- Mar 01 Wed 2006 20:54
走路上學, Yeah !
自從老大開始唸小學, "大手牽小手, 走路去上學"變成我的例行功課, 一方面是響應校長的呼籲, 再方面女兒說了:老師說減少開車可以減少下酸雨喔 ! 為此, 學校還每天請學生和家長自我記錄, 只要一學期走路上學日數超過一定天數, 就予以獎勵, 這兩年以來, 除非出國或是出差必須很早出門, 我們父女兩人可說是風雨無阻.
有過掙扎嗎 ?? 當然, 尤其是一早醒來發現正下著大雨時..有一次, 甚至在走出大樓沒幾步路就已經全身濕透了,